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Shipcraft..River Science page one page two..Presentations

We spent some of our voyage studying the river's currents, salinity, and animals. Some of the tools we used were also available to Henry Hudson's sailors, but others were more modern.

River depth is also an important consideration for both mariners and animals.

(left) Akea is taking soundings, and measuring the temperature at depth.

Water Temperature
Many parts of the Hudson are deep enough that there is a significant difference between the temperature at the surface and at the bottom.

(left) Mr. Linehan works with Shanta on the water temperature.

Quadrants are used to measure the height of celestial objects above the horizon. This can give the mariner valuable information about his location even if he cannot see any landmarks.

(left) Nick demonstrates the use of the quadrant, which he used to measure the height of the moon on successive nights.

(below) Recordkeeping is an important part of our multi-day studies. Your memory is never as good as you think it is.

We also studied the animals in the Hudson.

(left) We fill the aquarium with organisms from the Hudson, and then examine both the macro fauna and micro fauna. (below left) Alex sketches images of the birds she has observed. (below) We caught a small snapping turtle off Croton Point.The students are getting a close look at it in the Captain's hand.