2009 Masters Voyage of Discovery banner

In 1609, Captain Henry Hudson led a mixed Dutch and English crew on board the Halve Maen into a broad, uncharted river, seeking a northerly passage across the New World. Hudson's exploration of this lush wilderness would lead directly to the foundation of the New Netherland Colony and later New York State, forever shaping the future of the river that now bears his name.

In 2009, the Replica Ship Half Moon concludes a triumphant Quadricentennial year of voyages by returning to Yonkers for the second annual Masters Voyage of Discovery. Join us as students from the Masters School in Dobbs Ferry, NY, spend a week sailing from Athens to Yonkers and exploring the rich environment of the Hudson River.

The Daily Log is our way of letting you know each day's events.

Stop by the Crew pages to meet our student sailors, as well as the rest of the crew of the Half Moon.

The Learning Page is where we post information about our scientific studies.

Visit the Related Programs pages to see the other activities included in our voyage to Yonkers.

For information about our ship, including our past Voyages of Discovery, please visit the rest of the Half Moon web site.

Latest Update (10/28): Days Six and Seven have been added to the log, completing the students' time on board. The "ProLog," covering the ship's September 30th voyage to Athens, will be up later today. Check back at the end of the month for our Related Programs pages.

Voyage Homepage Daily Log Our Crew Learning Half Moon