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Shipcraft: Sail Handling

Once our crew masters the arts of line handling, they can put their new skills to use. In a sense, operating a sailing ship like the Half Moon is like manipulating a giant marionette, with each line moving a specific yardarm or sail in a specific way.

Working the sails requires a lot of hands, and thus a lot of cooperation. The crew divides into teams while sail handling -- one team working the fore mast while the other works the main mast. The spritzel and mizzenmast sometimes see use as well, though these require advanced training. The mast teams must coordinate their efforts to effectively steer and propel the ship when under sail.

These sails both propel and help steer the ship. In fact, the fore sails have more effect on determining the Half Moon's direction than its rudder!


The blustery winds that confronted us for the first few days of the trip were northerly, unfortunately (thus pushing directly against as we traveled into them). In the tight confines of the Hudson River, sailing against the wind is difficult at best for the Half Moon, requiring tricky, split-second maneuvering. Even Captain Hudson in 1609 preferred to remain at anchor rather than fight countervailing winds here.

Luckily, however, we encountered ideal weather once we emerged from the Hudson Highlands are were able to enjoy several hours of quiet travel under wind power alone in the broad section of river just south of the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge.



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