Spring 2008 Voyage of Discovery banner

Stage One: Orientation

In the orientation phase, students select a topic of study that interests them and familiarize themselves with the instruments they'll need to collect data.

On this Voyage of Discovery, the students organized into six teams of two, each focusing on a specific field of study. In turn, each pair of students would work closely with an individual senior crew advisor.

Working on Day Two and into Day Three, the students spent their time learning about each possible topic and using all of our intruments. Although the students' individual projects would be tightly focused, each student would also learn how to perform every experiment, including several which are not currently part of anyone's research projects.

Since learning to use our scientific gear is a central part of the orientation phase, some of the photos below illustrate our student crew members working with instruments beyond the scope of their own projects.

You can scroll down or use the links below to jump directly to a topic.

Comparative Temperatures

Students: Kristie & Sienna
Senior Crew Advisor: Virginia Mahigian

Kristie and Sienna will collect air and surface water temperature readings throughout a full 24-hour period. They will then analyze these comparative temperatures and graph their findings.

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Current Patterns

Students: Casey & Jesse
Senior Crew Advisor: Steve Linehan

When the Half Moon stops for its data collection layover, Casey and Jesse will measure current speed and direction and water depth at a fixed location throughout a tidal cycle.

Lines of Position

Students: Daniella & Jacob
Senior Crew Advisor: Captain William Reynolds (and the whole crew!)

Daniella and Jacob will learn how to mark lines of position. While the Half Moon is at rest, they will then recruit the rest of the crew to take bearings of several landmarks, and will then perform a statistical analysis of the results.

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Mechanical Advantage

Jasmine & Mary

Senior Crew Advisor:
Ned Chalker

Jasmine and Mary will familiarize themselves with the simple machines on board the Half Moon, including levers and pulleys. They will then use an adjustable block and tackle rig to measure how much mechanical advantage these simple machines can provide.

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Muhammad uses a sling psychrometer to measure relative humidity.
Mouse over to help Muhammad measure relative humidity.

Students: Muhammad & Thwe-Thwe
Senior Crew Advisor: Mary Ellen Jacobs

The crew will collect and store surface water samples on a regular basis, starting in New York Harbor and continuing as the Half Moon travels upriver. Muhammad and Thwe-Thwe will then use a refractometer to analyze the water samples and graph the river's salinity gradient.

Solar Energy

Students: Beniah & Keith
Senior Crew Advisor: Kipp van Aken

Beniah and Keith will learn how to use a quadrant and compass to measure the altitude and direction of the sun, and will use solar panels and a voltometer to measure the sun's energy output. They will also use these findings to track the sun's arc and determine the true time of local noon, when the sun reaches its apex.

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